Final Report Guidelines

The final report submitted to the Meat Foundation (Foundation) should include the sections below.

Draft Manuscript

The bulk of the final report should be a completed draft manuscript in the journal format that the principal investigators intends to publish. Peer reviewed journals of choice may include but are not limited to: The Journal of Nutrition, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Meat and Muscle Biology, Journal of Food Protection, PLOS One, Journal of Applied Microbiology, etc.

All materials, methods and results must be included in the draft manuscript to the Foundation. All sections required for submission to the principal investigator’s journal of choice must also be included in the draft manuscript section of the final report. This should assist in expediting submission to a peer-reviewed journal.

Executive Summary

This Executive Summary should not exceed 2 pages and be written in language appropriate for a layperson. This portion of the final report may be posted on the Meat Foundation’s website which is open access. Executive Summary should include the following:

  • Project Title
  • Principal Investigators
  • Research Institution
  • Submittal Date of Final Report
  • Intended Journal for Manuscript Submission:
    • Objectives: Describe goals/objectives of the study.
    • Conclusions: Describe the study’s conclusions and why/how they were made.
    • Deliverable: Describe the potential impact, positive and negative, of the research on the meat and poultry industry.

Presentations and Publications

A listing of any papers, posters or presentations that have been (or will be) written based on the results of this funded research.

Questions on the Final Report Guidelines should be directed to KatieRose McCullough, Ph.D, MPH.